We feel what differentiates us from many other businesses is the support we offer our customers. Whether you are an individual, small business owner, or an IT for a larger corporation –we’re here for you.
At Itech, we love technology, we use technology, we live technology. To that end, we spend a lot of time reading about, playing with, understanding and troubleshooting it. We won’t answer your questions unless we know the correct answer, and if we don’t, we’ll spend the time to research it, so that when we do offer an answer, we are comfortable that it is correct. This benefits not only you, but us as well.
Our customers know that when they drop in looking for something, that we will ask them questions. Why?
No one here is on commission
No one makes any extra money by upselling you on price or warranty, no one needs to apply “closing” sales practices before you leave our store. We encourage you to do your due diligence, shop around and ask questions. We’re confident you’ll feel comfortable coming back.

Simply because we want to know what your needs are
We want to know what you have in mind to accomplish your goal, and to find out whether you are heading in the right direction. This gives us the opportunity to fully understand what you are trying to do, answer any unresolved questions you may have, and direct you to the product that will best fit your needs.
Sometimes you have questions, or need a little guidance after the fact.
We’re here to help you if you need it, and we’re always available to provide answers. Itech is working with you. Before, during, and after the sale. After all, that’s why you purchased from us in the first place, isn’t it?

Purchased your new PC, taken it home, get it unpacked, need guidance hooking it up? Yes, of course you can call us! Simple how and where to plug things in are gladly answered.

Bought a new component and having issues getting it working correctly? Please, let us know. We’ll do our best to provide you with the guidance to make sure everything is working correctly.

Maybe you’re having problems playing or viewing a file? We’re here to help.